Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Problems finding extrinsic evidence?

If you’re having difficulties finding sources that will provide you with extrinsic proofs, then please let me (and the rest of class) know by commenting to this post. In your comment, please explain what kind of information you’re trying to find, where you’ve looked or how you’ve searched so far, and what you’ve found so far. If you’re able to help other students out, then please share any resources you’ve found. I’ll also follow up and assist you, too.


  1. I am having problems finding articles on the issue of bullying in colorado in recent years. I've looked mostly on google for information. I've searched for bullying in Colorado and have found articles about legislation passed in the last couple years to prevent bullying.

  2. Thanks, Morgan, for your update and your questions. You should have received an email from me with a few suggestions. Please keep me updated if you have any further questions. Thanks! -- Geoffrey
